
One evening not long ago I discovered that my phone can take time-lapse movies. Now, I’m sure everyone with the ubiquitous phone that we all apparently can’t live without has known about this feature for a long time. But I don’t take a lot of photographs, so it was new to me. I happened to be out watching the sun go down over the water at the time, so I propped the phone on a nearby stone and set it to record the final moments of a hot summer day and the arrival of night.

By Paul Schneider


Seventy years ago this August, V-J Day set up a string of events that led me to the Vineyard and altered my life forever. When victory was announced, my mother made plans to visit her parents, who were vacationing at the Harborside Inn in Edgartown, and we set out the next day, taking the Cape Codder train from Grand Central Station in New York to Woods Hole, where we would board the Vineyard ferry.

By Kib Bramhall


What is a “bikini” anyway?

By Alexandra Bullen Coutts


Easy like Sunday morning.


Where do you turn for a shoulder-season shoe when it’s too frosty for flip-flops, but too warm for boots? Reader, you turn to the clog.

By Alexandra Bullen Coutts


You trekked down to the beach, hauled your gear, and staked out the perfect spot. Why not save it in style?


It is becoming harder to pass the salt. Who is available to pass it?

By Charlie Nadler


“It was a beautiful August afternoon, and I was working on taking a photograph of the Gay Head Cliffs with just the right light..."


Meet the brains and brawn behind the new Rosewater Market in Edgartown.

By Erin Ryerson


Lickety-split renovations are a specialty of sorts for Mark Snider.

By Phyllis Meras


By Paul Karasik


Hot tempura! Ice cream cones!Smoked ribs that melt right off the bones!Your stomach’s not an endless crater ...No wonder you falafel later!

By D.A.W.
