After reviewing almost 300 images, the judges have spoken. Here are their favorites.
After reviewing more than 300 images, the judges have spoken. Here are their favorite photos of the year.
After reviewing hundreds of choices, the judges have spoken. Here are their favorite photos of the year.
This year’s photographers ranged from Island born and raised to summer residents and first-time visitors. Subject matter ranged from the familiar to the foreboding.
The entries came from as far away as California and Canada, and covered everything from Aquinnah to Chappy and the Inkwell.
The images showcase the beauty of the Island through the eyes of those who experience it every day, as well as those who may only view the Vineyard during a certain season.
For this year’s competition, we received 165 entries from across the United States and as far away as the island of Guernsey in the English Channel.
Here are the top three winners and seven honorable mentions.