Oceans, islands, lost arts, and the man who fell in love with a canoe.
By Alexandra Bullen Coutts
Doug Kent's experimental world of large-scale, abstract paintings.
By Megan Cerullo
Straight Outta Taunton; CSI: County of Dukes County; Jette Pack; We’ll Build that Wall and Make West Tisbury Pay For It; Norton’s Point; Beardlander?
The artist herself is a collage of intuitive and honed talents that bubble and flow from her in images and music, words and theatrics.
By CK Wolfson
It wasn’t Hillary Clinton's first pantsuit, and it definitely wasn’t her last.
Best Dentist: Hélène Schaeffer of Island Dentistry 23 Airport Road, Edgartown, 508-696-8426 Runner-up: Richard McNulty of Amity Dental Studio 65 Main Street, Vineyard Haven, 508-687-9752, amitydentalstudio.com
Just about all you need to know about the little island at the end of the Elizabeths – except how to get there from here.
By Shelley Christiansen