
We’re always on the lookout for cool properties to feature in the magazine.

By Nicki Miller


As the Martha’s Vineyard ferry departed Vineyard Haven during a January nor’easter, photographer Wayne Smith of West Tisbury tried to use a rainhood for his lens, but it was snowing and blowing so hard in his face, it wasn’t doing much good. “I was basically shooting through this little tunnelas the boat pulled out,” he says. “Something summer visitors never see or even consider.” For some year-rounders, snowstorms are a rare but welcome


A photo essay with style and safety tips for walkers during hunting season.

By Samantha Barrow


A few months ago, I went to a meditation group that meets regularly in the basement of the Howes House in West Tisbury...

By Geoff Currier


Many books address local and seasonal foods with an emphasis on quality and freshness. Few offer insight into why supporting local farmers and fishermen is vital to our existence, including the history of where we have been and what lessons we’ve learned along the way.

By Jan Buhrman


Known by a lyrical name – the Place on the Wayside – this tablet, set in granite in 1901 and rededicated in 2008 by the Daughters of the American Revolution, marks the earliest event recalled by a monument on the Island.

By Tom Dunlop


If you were to die tomorrow, what would you regret missing, not doing, or not being?

By Jim Miller


Pilot gigs, open-sea rowing boats, date back to the late seventeenth century. They measure thirty-two feet long with a beam just under five feet, oars up to thirteen feet long, and seating for a team of six.

By C.K. Wolfson


A venerable Island leader with a longtime construction business, John Early talks about life on the Vineyard, how affordable housing here should change, and lessons he learned in the Peace Corps.

By Rachel Orr


The Island’s regional high school engages about half its students every year in a wide range of art, design, and technology courses. That’s twice the national average.

By Brooks Robards


This magazine is dedicated to people’s passions.

By Nicki Miller


The maple grieves her scarlet leaves;The woods seem bleak and dead,Till hunters dressed in hat and vestContribute DayGlo red. 

By D.A.W.
