As summer turns to fall and Island salt marshes take on a golden hue, a dedicated fraternity of waterfowlers look skyward.
Nelson Sigelman
How to spear a fish and eat it too.
Nathaniel Schneider
Once hunted nearly to extinction, North Atlantic right whales seemed poised to rebound. But the past few years have not been kind, and the future of the species is again in doubt.
Sara Brown
A natural phenomenon is responsible for crazy behavior on Martha’s Vineyard. It is the arrival in late summer of schools of bonito and false albacore. It is a fish foehn.
Nelson Sigelman
Most every Island fisherman faces this social obligation, particularly in the summer months.
Nelson Sigelman
Nothing screams “Summer is here!” like the arrival of old yellow eyes.
Nelson Sigelman
Everything you wanted to know about Island reptiles but were afraid to believe.
Chris Baer
These are trying months for those who suffer from fishing-hunting seasonal affective disorder.
Nelson Sigelman