Time has never stood still for Rubin Cronig.

Nicole Grace Mercier

“I drove down [to Martha’s Vineyard] with a friend and $7,000, which seemed like a fortune at the time.”

Jim Miller

He started the Seafood Shanty; he owned the Harbor View Hotel. He helped shape a town as well as an island. Now in his late eighties, he lives in a penthouse looking out over the Edgartown Light – far from his poor roots.

Elaine Pace

There’s no shortage of design inspiration on Martha’s Vineyard.

Elissa Lash

They’ve lived vastly different lives, but for Nelson and Danny Bryant of West Tisbury, the outdoors has always been their common love.

Phyllis Meras

The concept of Our Island Club is simple.

Jim Miller

Talking with new talent in the field of interior design.

Kate Feiffer

Starting at the height of the civil rights movement, Carole Simpson parlayed her natural curiosity, intellect, and persistence into a ground-breaking career in journalism that lasted some forty years.

Kate Feiffer
