The Island’s regional high school engages about half its students every year in a wide range of art, design, and technology courses. That’s twice the national average.
Brooks Robards
Entrepreneurship is the lifeblood of the economy, and on Martha’s Vineyard that’s even more true than places where big factories or institutions create jobs. To make it here often means going it alone.
Jim Miller
Due west of Portugal, this archipelago of nine volcanic islands holds strong family and cultural connections for a number of Martha’s Vineyard residents.
Phyllis Meras
Kaila Binney returned to the Island to share her working knowledge of sustainability practices in farming and beyond. A special Vineyard educational fellowship made this financially possible.
Alexandra Bullen Coutts
Wind’s Up! is celebrating its fiftieth anniversary.
Jim Miller
Richard Michelson is an award-winning children’s book author, a published poet, and the owner and curator of a popular fine art gallery in Northampton.
Kate Feiffer
At ninety-one, artist Ray Ellis paints daily in his Edgartown studio and reflects on his career. It hasn’t always been easy, but one notable collaboration in 1981 changed his life as an artist.
C.K. Wolfson