To survey relics from the whole history of Edgartown harbor these days, you need only travel to a dive shop on the south side of Oak Bluffs.
Tom Dunlop
In the usual quirky way of Chappaquiddickers, they often call their home an island even during those eras when it’s very much a peninsula, attached to the rest of Martha’s Vineyard by the barrier beach known as Norton Point. And Norton Point is so-called even though it has no “point” at all. But why? And who was Norton?
Tom Dunlop
The Norton Point inlet seems to have an inherently contrary nature. People want it open when it’s not, and they want it closed when it’s open. But when they try to take matters into their own hands, nature has won every time but one.
Tom Dunlop
Since the Patriots Day storm of 2007, the breakthrough at Norton Point beach has caused powerful currents to surge through Edgartown harbor, and substantial erosion along Chappy’s south shore. This feat of nature has happened before and will surely happen again – perhaps more dramatically.
Tom Dunlop
The Oscar-winning actor was one of the first celebrity residents on the Vineyard, and today his former Chilmark homestead retains its charming rural character.
Karla Araujo
Armor. Battle. Punishment. Malicious attacks. These terms come up over and over again in the Martha’s Vineyard Magazine archives. They describe an open-ended war being fought on Vineyard soil, and this time the enemy is not Nantucket – there is far more at stake than a bronze cup. What we are fighting for is our home, and the enemy is Mother Nature – a worthy opponent.
Linley Dolby
1985:- Bass were excluded from the Martha’s Vineyard Striped Bass and Bluefish Derby (continued for seven years).- Cable TV came to the Vineyard.
1986- Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission was created.
1987- Wampanoag Tribe gained federal recognition.
1988- Tisbury didn’t renew moped rental licenses for businesses in Vineyard Haven; Oak Bluffs renewed theirs without public discussion.