
For years I’ve been going to the dump and dutifully separating my recyclables, and then every once in a while someone will say to me: You know, they just throw all that stuff into one big truck and haul it away – what’s the point?

By Geoff Currier


For me, fishing is generally not a social activity. It is intensely personal, private, and intuitive. Except for family, I tend to be an angling loner. The concept of a fishing friend was an oxymoron until I met Luciano and was introduced to KLP.

By Kib Bramhall


This year will be a busy one for the cadre of Islanders who keep a close eye on what’s going on at Norton Point. From fishermen to scientists, the two-and-a-half-mile barrier beach that sometimes connects Edgartown’s South Beach and Wasque on Chappaquiddick is a source of fascination. In April 2007 a northeaster broke through the beach, creating an inlet that connected Katama Bay and the Atlantic Ocean.

By Sara Brown


The most important game fish in local waters is in deep trouble. The writer, a renowned fisherman and longtime conservation columnist for Salt Water Sportsman, thinks he knows why.

By Rip Cunningham


It’s no surprise, perhaps, that among the ranks of Woods Hole scientists are a handful of people who have a foot on both sides of the ferry route.

By Sara Brown


On Martha’s Vineyard, owls are found almost everywhere. But for every twenty owls you hear, you may see only one.


Rarer even than an irruption of snowy owls is the chance to skate all the way from Aquinnah to Edgartown. A remembrance of a time gone by.

By Stan Hart


Winter sports are a not-so-secret pleasure of Island life in the season between late fall beachcombing and the thrilling arrival of snowdrops. All the more so because the appearance of ideal conditions cannot be predicted or promised. Only anticipated and prepared for.

By Nicole Grace Mercier


There’s a tendency to think that Island fishing ends after the derby’s final hurrah in mid-October. But wait a minute! They may be premature.

By Kib Bramhall


Dana Gaines's boat isn't a traditional one with a motor or even a sail. And yet he's taken it around the Island – twice.

By Ivy Ashe


While the leaves changed color, along the waterfront crews planned and fitted out for the annual voyages of vessels determined to follow summer.

By Matthew Stackpole


If the Amish played more tennis, I feel quite certain that this is the way they would go about winterizing their courts.

By Geoff Currier
