With the closing of the MSPCA on the Vineyard earlier this year, the community has rallied to maintain a shelter at the same location in Edgartown. Animal lovers on the Island have a long history of helping all kinds of beloved creatures through a variety of organizations – walking a path pioneered by Katharine M. Foote.

Phyllis Meras

If you’re driving up-Island toward the Cliffs on State Road in Aquinnah, you may miss the Orange Peel Bakery sign on your left just before Lobsterville Road – unless it’s late afternoon on a Wednesday from May to October.

Richard C. Skidmore

They live among us. They sort our mail. They butcher our meat. They deliver our propane. They date our daughters. They scarf chowder like ordinary Vineyarders. But citizens, beware: They are New York Yankees fans, embedded right here in Red Sox Nation. Never mind the aliens who infiltrate the Island in summer, sporting those dark navy baseball caps with the white logos. We’re talking Yankees fans who are year-round Vineyarders of long standing. They are countless in number. They have no shame. You got a problem wit dat?

Shelley Christiansen

The renowned fishing charter captain and member of the Wampanoag Tribe talks frankly about growing up fishing on the Island, his celebrity clients, shooting cormorants, and his tribal roots.

Nicole Galland

Island residents for close to forty years, Frank, Peter, and Heidi Dunkl are committed to nature and simple living, while working countless jobs. What they’ve done with the spring water on their Chilmark property and a bottling plant by the airport exemplifies their can-do spirit.

Sam Bungey

An interview in three acts with Patricia Neal.

Rebekah Blu

There seems to be a trick to making life work on this Island year-round. Add the nation’s tough economy to the higher expense of living on the Vineyard, and we wonder how people will continue to prosper.

Mike Seccombe

Through his physical therapy practice, Larry Greenberg has developed some interesting insights into how living, working, gardening, and hosting many a visitor on the Vineyard can affect the body.

Jim Kaplan
