The Island sheds her winter cocoon in May and June. Nascent summer weather livens the tempo in the towns and outdoors – the fish start to bite, the flora to bloom, and the ferry to bustle. Hibernation is ceding quickly to congregation, but it’s still possible to find parking in Edgartown. Or at the cliffs.

Simone McCarthy

With their own distinctive voices, our three radio stations enrich and enliven Vineyarders’ daily lives.

Remy Tumin

In her pastoral up-Island studio, artist Marie-Louise Rouff explores the interplay of imagination and reality in her abstract paintings.

Moira C. Silva

Whether building a house or simply redoing a room, it’s fun to include something distinctive.

Nicole Grace Mercier

Mariana Cook traveled the globe for eight years photographing rural stone walls.

Nicki Miller

So we survived the hustle, bustle, and heat of the summer season, and now we find ourselves on the other side, free from traffic and crowds but – nothing to do? Au contraire, hardy ones! The winter Island is too good to stay inside. Whether you’re in the mood to tuck into some hearty food, sit back and be entertained, or venture into the bracing outdoors, there are plenty of ways to get out and appreciate the other season.

Simone McCarthy

Photographer Tim Coy relishes the quiet moments he comes across during his nighttime wanderings and seaside walks on Martha’s Vineyard.

Nicki Miller

September and October are two of the Island’s best months. By the time summer fades, that famed New England autumn is in full swing, and it’s warm enough to enjoy it. This time of year is also the unofficial Island festival season – with several weekend-long events to suit a variety of interests. Our picks for these months remind us why we love the Island’s shoulder season.

Simone McCarthy
