Scenes from a Marriage

“It might be an emergency repair situation.” – Edgartown town administrator James Hagerty describing erosion at the Dike Bridge bulkhead. “We did not see any sign of erosion or scouring at the bulkhead.” – The Trustees of Reservations Islands director Darci Schofield describing the lack of erosion at the Dike Bridge bulkhead.
And Now for Something Completely New and Different
The Steamship Authority announced that the real price for converting its already purchased replacement freight boats will likely be twice what they originally thought it would be.
Which Door Doughnuts?

Back Door Donuts announced it will experiment with selling doughnuts out of the front door on busy summer nights in Oak Bluffs. And that it will experiment with selling doughnuts out of a side door at a pop-up location on Lansdowne Street in Boston.
Minds in the Gutters

In a self-described “rookie mistake,” the Vineyard Preservation Trust put plastic trim on Alley’s General Store, in the historic district, without going through the proper channels. Despite the fact that nearby West Tisbury Town Hall has plastic trim, hands were wrung, howls were howled, mea culpas were mea culpaed, before the upgrades were retroactively approved. It was the off-season and raining, what else was there to do?
We Didn’t Even Know It Was the Coolest Town on MV!
A website no one has ever heard of recently named Edgartown the “Coolest Small Town in America.”
From the Good News, Bad News Department
The West Tisbury property tax rate is going down about 25 percent... while West Tisbury assessed values are up by 37 percent.
I’ll Only Quit If You Quit Too

Oak Bluffs announced it will ban the sale of nip bottles. But only if Edgartown does the same thing. Nantucket and Falmouth have already banned single-serving booze bottles.