The entries came from as far away as California and Canada, and covered everything from Aquinnah to Chappy and the Inkwell. So it wasn't easy to choose the winners. But the experts have spoken....

First Place
Vincent Chahley from Calgary, Canada.
This photo of Lucy Vincent Beach was a clear standout in the eyes of the judges and was, in fact, the only image that all of them included in their personal top-three choices. “The gradient between sea and snow carved by water and wind” appealed strongly to one, while another commended the photographer’s tenacity during a winter storm, saying it’s “not easy to be out on the beach in these conditions.” So maybe it makes sense that he turned out to be from Calgary.

Second Place
Brendan Devlin from Easthampton, Massachusetts.
Using a Rolleiflex medium format camera and Fuji Acros film, the photographer was able to produce a stunning image of Oak Bluffs on a still, overcast afternoon that one judge commented “has the look of antiquity.”

Third Place
Peter D. Esser from Smithtown, New York.
“Love that it’s a different take on a very familiar site,” stated one judge. “The low vantage point through the grasses, the fog bank hovering over the water, and the dramatic clouds” produce a captivating neutral color palette in the photograph.

Honorable Mention
Cynthia da Silva from Vineyard Haven.
On a peaceful June morning in the spring of 2014, da Silva eagerly anticipated the arrival of the historic Charles W. Morgan. The juxtaposition of the whaleship masts reflecting in the water next to the smaller rowboat creates a well-balanced picture. “What can I tell you, I just like this one a lot,” said one of the experts.

Honorable Mention
Maria Thibodeau from Edgartown.
The sunset put on a show for the photographer at Bend in the Road Beach this past spring.
“The line, light, color, and space creates a stunning abstraction of a sunset,” one judge commented.

Honorable Mention
Robin Gottesman from Oak Bluffs and Saddle River, New Jersey.
The photographer wanted to capture this dock for years, and finally kayaked out on a fall morning in 2014. “I love the meandering dock and the colors in the sky, reflecting the water,” she says of the resulting image.

Honorable Mention
Walter Greene from West Tisbury.
The strong silhouette against a colorful background stood out immediately to one judge, who commented that “it’s not your typical Island landscape.” Still, all agreed, it evokes a classic Martha’s Vineyard vibe.
The Judges
This year's panel included two professional photographers who live on the Vineyard and are regular contributors to this magazine: Alison Shaw and David Welch. Chris Morse has owned and operated fine-art galleries on the Island for nearly thirty years and is the owner of the Granary Gallery in West Tisbury. Susan White, a longtime summer visitor, is the photography director of Vanity Fair magazine. Alley Moore is the art director of this magazine and Vanessa Czarnecki is the senior editor.