
David Welch for Point B | Compass


If You Had $2,100,000…

Built in 1873, this mansard-style, 3,920-square-foot home features four bedrooms and two-and-a-half bathrooms.

What do Union Chapel, the Sea View Hotel, the Arcade on Circuit Avenue, and the home at 3 Canonicus Avenue in Oak Bluffs have in common? They were all designed by architect Samuel Freeman Pratt in the mid-1800s. The latter, one of just eighteen private homes that Pratt worked on, recently sold for $2,100,000.

Built in 1873, according to the Massachusetts Historical Commission, the mansard-style, 3,920-square-foot home features four bedrooms and two-and-a-half bathrooms. Though the interior has been updated for modern living throughout the years, it still boasts many unique elements Pratt envisioned all those years ago, including a widow’s walk and an original two-sided post-and-bracket covered porch.