Chip Chop on the Block

Broadcast journalist Diane Sawyer put her Vineyard Haven home, which originally belonged to the actor Katharine Cornell, on the market. The asking price: $24 million.
Pork Chop on the Hood

For the third time in recent years a car crashed into Edgartown Meat and Fish, a gourmet food market near the Triangle in Edgartown.
This Church is Our Land

The Chilmark Community Church filed a suit against the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church, which claims to have an ownership interest in the property. The congregation wants to join thousands of other parishes that have left the United Methodist organization in part because of the denomination’s non-inclusive policies toward LGBTQ+ persons of faith.
This Shop is Our Land

The land that hosts the recently shuttered Aquinnah Shop restaurant, long owned by tribal members, will return to Wampanoag hands after being purchased by the Native Land Conservancy.
This House is Our Brand

After an Edgartown home called “Uncle Nearest,” named for the Tennessee whiskey brand, began throwing daily parties, outraged vigilantes started blowing their car horns. “If they’re allowed to make noise, so am I,” one neighbor told a police officer.
This Town is the Regional High School's Town
A state land court judge ruled that the Oak Bluffs planning board does not have the authority to overrule the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School’s plan to put a plastic field over part of the town’s aquifer.
Duly Noted
“It is ten times more exclusive than the Hamptons” – opening sequence of episode one, season one of the reality show Summer House: Martha’s Vineyard.