Seriously Fast

Rob Douglas, of Vineyard Haven and the Black Dog Douglases, broke two world kitesurfing speed records this past summer in France by sailing in excess of forty-five miles an hour for one nautical mile.
Seriously Heroic

A 68-year-old female passenger successfully crash landed a small plane with no landing gear at Martha’s Vineyard Airport after the 79-year-old pilot developed a debilitating medical condition. Two weeks later, after another small plane developed engine trouble, a pilot successfully landed in the state forest.
Seriously Adorable

Nicole Fullin, managing editor of this magazine and editor of Martha’s Vineyard Island Weddings, and her husband Lance, welcomed their first child, Harper Rose.

Petar Petyoshin of Edgartown has been charged in federal court with robbing a Falmouth bank earlier this year. Among the clues that led them to the suspect: Petyoshin’s van traveled back and forth on the Steamship that day and matched a van seen in the bank’s surveillance video; his cell phone was in the neighborhood of the bank at the time of the robbery; and the Facebook page for Dapper, Petyoshin’s Circuit Avenue clothing store, displayed photos of the jacket, sunglasses and wig he allegedly wore during the heist.
The Buck Stops Over There

After a cost estimate for repairs came in at $4 million, the Trustees of Reservations said it was not the organization’s job to take care of its side of the Dike Bridge. “Ownership of the bulkhead is separate from maintenance responsibility,” stated the Trustees’ attorney.
So That's How They Stay Up All Night
Island researchers have documented a small number of northern long-eared bats that have been infected with and survived White Nose Syndrome, an often fatal fungal disease that has led to a nationwide collapse in bat populations.
Speaking of the White Stuff
Chilmark Police recovered a number of suspicious packages believed to contain drugs that were found washed up on Lucy Vincent Beach. The contraband, which was consistent with “illegal drug packaging,” was sent to the Cape Cod DEA for testing.