
An appetite in Asian markets for the littlest of little American eels has led to a spike in their price. And that, in turn, has led to a rise in illegal harvesting and concerns about the species as a whole.

By Sara Brown


Alex Friedman was getting antsy. Tuna season had opened the day before and he hadn’t gone out because it looked like there would be foul weather offshore. But now, as we sat in Oak Bluffs harbor onboard his thirty-five-foot H&H Downcast F/V, Dazed & Confused, the VHF radio was blurting out conversations between captains and aerial fish spotters who had gone out and apparently they were getting some action.

By Geoff Currier


In the summer, volunteers on the Vineyard visit beaches under the light of the moon to count horseshoe crabs as they come ashore to spawn.

By Sara Brown


On June 18, 1722, a small group of men from Martha’s Vineyard were out on what should have been a short whaling voyage when they saw a terrible sight approaching their sloop.

By Gregory Flemming


On the davits of the venerable Charles W. Morgan is a brand-new killing machine that was handmade at Gannon and Benjamin in Vineyard Haven.

By Tom Dunlop


The wasps are tiny, almost invisibly so, but their vandalism is evident all across the Island.

By Peter Brannen


No one involved could have imagined it.

By Matthew Stackpole


If you don’t bring eccentricities with you when you come to live year-round on the Island, you’re bound to pick some up along the way.

By Joe Keenan


Inside the EPA’s mobile lab on Martha’s Vineyard. Eight-legged, tiny, and hungry, every tick goes through life in search of blood.

By Ivy Ashe


“You want to get it done as quickly and efficiently as possible, with the least exposure to air.”

By Geoff Currier


It was an otherwise quiet Vineyard night – the water calmly lapped the shore, the grasses rustled in a light breeze.

By Katie Ruppel


Martha’s Vineyard is not particularly hospitable when it comes to fruit trees.

By Susan Catling
