Nothing screams “Summer is here!” like the arrival of old yellow eyes.

Nelson Sigelman

Sharks are generally the talk of the town during New England summers, sources of fear and fascination.

Sara Brown

With lobster tails for bait, is it any wonder the monster bass went nuts?

Kib Bramhall

The road to Cape Pogue is breathtakingly beautiful, winding through an unspoiled landscape of dunes and heather and cedar trees, always with a water view.

Kib Bramhall

Many of today’s saltwater flies look so real that you’d swear they were actual baitfish. Space-age synthetic materials that closely imitate the color and sheen of live bait, plastic eyes, epoxy heads, and the talent of hundreds of skilled professional and amateur fly tiers combine to create a vast choice of excellent flies that fool multitudes of game fish.

Kib Bramhall

Big wind is coming to a 300-square-mile area south of Martha’s Vineyard, but it’s unclear how it will affect a previously unknown feeding area for critically endangered North Atlantic right whales.

Sara Brown

Ever since Wampanoags launched canoes in pursuit of whales, fishermen have been pushing the envelope by trying to catch big fish from small boats.

Kib Bramhall

As scientists track sharks and learn more about the ocean’s apex predators, a growing industry is selling shark-deterrent devices.

Sara Brown
